Background Checks and Fingerprint Images – Begins July 1, 2020
California Business & Professions Code Section 22251.3* was amended to require new applicants interested in becoming CRTPs to pass a criminal background check and submit fingerprint images to CTEC to determine an individual’s eligibility to register as a CRTP.
Background Checks and Fingerprint Images – Begins July 1, 2020 California Business & Professions Code Section 22251.3* was amended to require new applicants interested in becoming CRTPs to pass a criminal background check and submit fingerprint images to CTEC to determine an individual’s eligibility to register as a CRTP.
The new requirements are NOT applicable to current CRTPs, only new applicants who register beginning July 1, 2020. Also beginning July 1, 2020, if a CRTP allows their CTEC registration to expire and they would like to re register with CTEC, they not only will be required to retake the 60-hour qualifying education (QE) course, but they will also be required to go through another background check and resubmit fingerprint images to CTEC.