If you are a CTEC tax preparer who has not yet completed your 2021 CTEC 20 hour course with Platinum Professional Services: The deadline to complete the course and renew your registration with CTEC is January 15, 2021. After this deadline you will need to take a 60 hour course. The course must be completed by 2:00 pm on January 15th to ensure that your completion is sent to CTEC and so you can renew your registration.
If you have not yet completed the course please go to www.platinumprostudies.com and click "student login" in the upper right hand corner to login to your course. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at customersupport@platinumprostudies.com. If you have completed your course and received your certificates or are not a CTEC tax preparer you can disregard this message.